Script user input


You want to remote control a program but unfortunately this program has only a “klick&gaudy”(*) interface. (*) Okok - only has a graphical user interface (short GUI).


You may use xdotool in order to script user actions. To install this tool, use:

sudo apt-get install xdotool

Now you can get the position of the mouse pointer with:

xdotool getmouselocation

or set it via:

xdotool mousemove 400 300 (This means set the mouse to position x=400, y=300; Point of origin is the top left corner of the screen.)

In order to click use:

xdotool click 1

And in order to type a text (e.g. into a control field of the GUI)

xdotool type 'Hello World'

(P.S.: xdotool has much more options … Once this tool got installed type man xdotool in order to see them all.)