How to set cell value to string using js-xlsx
This snippet reads a XLSX file using js-xlsx, sets the C2
cell to abc123
and writes the result to another file:
const XLSX = require('xlsx');
const table = XLSX.readFile('mytable.xlsx');
// Use first sheet
const sheet = table.Sheets[table.SheetNames[0]];
// Option 1: If you have numeric row and column indexes
sheet[XLSX.utils.encode_cell({r: 1 /* 2 */, c: 2 /* C */})] = {t: 's' /* type: string */, v: 'abc123' /* value */};
// Option 2: If you have a cell coordinate like 'C2' or 'D15'
sheet['C2'] = {t: 's' /* type: string */, v: 'abc123' /* value */};
XLSX.writeFile(table, 'result.xlsx');
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