Solving Bitnami Docker Redmine 'cannot create directory '/bitnami/mariadb': Permission denied'


You are setting up a docker-based redmine installation using the bitnami image, but you’re getting this error message when you use a host directory mounted as volume:

cannot create directory '/bitnami/mariadb': Permission denied



sudo chown -R 1001:1001 <directory>

on the host directories used by both the MariaDB container and the Redmine container.

In order to find the directories, look for these lines in the docker-compose YML file::

# Example: This can be found in the mariadb section:
      - '/var/lib/myredmine/mariadb_data:/bitnami'
# Example: This can be found in the redmine section
      - '/var/lib/myredmine/redmine_data:/bitnami'

In this example, you would have to run

sudo chown -R 1001:1001 /var/lib/myredmine/mariadb_data /var/lib/myredmine/redmine_data

and then restart the container:

docker-compose down
docker-compose up # Use 'docker-compose up -d' to run in the background