How to fix numpy TypeError: Cannot cast ufunc subtract output from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') with casting rule 'same_kind'


You are trying to do a simple arithmetic operation on a NumPy array but you see an error message like

TypeError: Cannot cast ufunc subtract output from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') with casting rule 'same_kind'


You are trying to substract a float from an int64 array. This does not work with operators like += or -=


import numpy as np

data = np.asarray([1, 2, 3, 4], dtype=np.int64) # This is an int array!

print(data - 5) # This works
print(data - 5.0) # This works as well
# This raises: Cannot cast ufunc subtract output from dtype('float64') to dtype('int64') with casting rule 'same_kind'
data -= 5.0

Option 1 (preferred):

Use - instead of -=: Instead of data -= 5.0 use data = data - 5.0

Option 2:

Explicitly cast data to float (or the first dtype of your error message):

data = data.astype('float64')
# Now this works
data -= 5.0

This option is not preferred since doing it requires using the correct datatype. The first option works without regarding the actual datatype.