How to compute surface area of TopoDS_Face in OpenCASCADE

In order to compute the surface area of a TopoDS_Face, in OpenCASCADE, simply use BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties and call .Mass() on the resulting GProp_GProps object:

GProp_GProps gprops;
BRepGProp::SurfaceProperties(face, gprops); // Stores results in gprops
double area = gprops.Mass();

Alternatively, you can use my OCCUtils library which also also providers a lot of other utility functions:

#include <occutils/Surface.hxx>
using namespace OCCUtils;

double Surface::Area(const TopoDS_Shape& face);


#include <occutils/Surface.hxx>

using namespace OCCUtils;

// ...
double area = Surface::Area(myFace);
// ...