How to iterate all edges in TopoDS_Face using OpenCASCADE

You can use the OCCUtils library to iterate all TopoDS_Face instances in a TopoDS_Solid

#include <occutils/ShapeComponents.hxx>

using namespace OCCUtils;

TopoDS_Shape myShape = /* ... */;

auto edges = ShapeComponents::AllEdgesWithin(myShape);

// Iterate all solids
for(const TopoDS_Edge& edge : edges) {
    /* ... */

Alternatively, you can use this raw OpenCASCADE source code without OCCUtils:

#include <TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape.hxx>
#include <TopoDS.hxx>
#include <TopoDS_Shape.hxx>
#include <TopExp.hxx>

TopoDS_Shape myShape = /* ... */;

TopTools_IndexedMapOfShape faces;
TopExp::MapShapes (myShape, TopAbs_EDGE, faces);

for (int i = 1; i <= faces.Extent (); i++) {
    TopoDS_Edge face = TopoDS::Edge(edges(i));
    /* ... */

If you have the choice, I recommend using OCCUtils since it makes your code much more readable than using the raw OpenCASCADE API.