Computing distance between gp_Pnt and gp_Ax1 in OpenCASCADE

OCCUtils provides convenience functions for computing the orthogonal direction to two directions:

#include <occutils/Axis.hxx>
using namespace OCCUtils;

gp_Ax1 axis = /* ... */;
gp_Pnt pnt = /* ... */;
double distance = Axis::Distance(axis, pnt);

Alternatively, you can also use Point::Distance() which internally just calls Axis::Distance() but might make your code more readable under some circumstances. Note that the argument order is inverted!

#include <occutils/Point.hxx>
using namespace OCCUtils;

gp_Ax1 axis = /* ... */;
gp_Pnt pnt = /* ... */;
double distance = Point::Distance(pnt, axis);

In case you can’t useĀ *OCCUtils,*here’s the code to do it manually:

double distance = gp_Lin(axis).Distance(pnt);