How to write BytesIO content to file in Python

In order to write the contents of a BytesIO instance to a file, use this snippet:

with open("out.txt", "wb") as outfile:
    # Copy the BytesIO stream to the output file

Note that getbuffer() will not create a copy of the values in the BytesIO buffer and will hence not consume large amounts of memory.

You can also use this function:

def write_bytesio_to_file(filename, bytesio):
    Write the contents of the given BytesIO to a file.
    Creates the file or overwrites the file if it does
    not exist yet. 
    with open(filename, "wb") as outfile:
        # Copy the BytesIO stream to the output file

Full example:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from io import BytesIO
import shutil

# Initialie our BytesIO
myio = BytesIO()
myio.write(b"Test 123")

def write_bytesio_to_file(filename, bytesio):
    Write the contents of the given BytesIO to a file.
    Creates the file or overwrites the file if it does
    not exist yet. 
    with open(filename, "wb") as outfile:
        # Copy the BytesIO stream to the output file

write_bytesio_to_file("out.txt", myio)