How to intercept AJAX JSON response in Pyppeteer
This example shows you how to intercept and print the content of a JSON response requested via any AJAX request on a web page by using Pyppeteer:
import asyncio
import json
from pyppeteer import launch
async def intercept_network_response(response):
# In this example, we care only about responses returning JSONs
if "application/json" in response.headers.get("content-type", ""):
# Print some info about the responses
print("URL:", response.url)
print("Method:", response.request.method)
print("Response headers:", response.headers)
print("Request Headers:", response.request.headers)
print("Response status:", response.status)
# Print the content of the response
# await response.json() returns the response as Python object
print("Content: ", await response.json())
except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError:
# NOTE: Use await response.text() if you want to get raw response text
print("Failed to decode JSON from", await response.text())
async def main():
browser = await launch()
page = await browser.newPage()
page.on('response', intercept_network_response)
await page.goto('')
await browser.close()
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