What is Cytarabine Syndrome?
Cytarabine is a cytotoxic agent commonly used in cancer chemotherapy.
A common side-effect of high-dose Cytarabine is called Cytarabine Syndrome which is associated with
- Fever
- Malaise (discomfort)
- Myalgia (muscle pain)
- Arthralgia (joint pain)
- Conjunctivitis (inflammation of the cornea)
- Rashes
Since high-dose cytarabine is associated with myelotoxiticity leading to aplasia and hence immune deficiency due to severe *neutropenia,*one needs to rule out infectious causes for the fever since these could quickly develop into a clinical emergency (febrile neutropenia). Typically, preemptive treatment with broad-spectrum antibiotics is strongly indicated.
The cause for the cytarabine syndrome is not completely understood but is hypothesized to be general inflammation due to a cytokine release syndrom-like release of pro-inflammatory cytokines due to Cytarabine mediating the apopotosis of large amounts of primarily neoplastic cells.
How common is cytarabine syndrome?
In our reference study, cytarabine syndrome occured in 43%
of all HiDAC (high-dose cytarabine) consolidation cycles and 64%
of patients had at least one consolidation cycle with cytarabine syndrome.
How long is the duration of the symptoms?
The duration of the fever is rather short (1-72 hours), with a median duration of only 10.5 hours in our reference study.
Gonen et al 2005: Cytarabine-induced fever complicating the clinical course of leukemia Jirasek et al 2015: Cytarabine syndrome despite corticosteroid premedication in an adult undergoing induction treatment for acute myelogenous leukemia Castleberry et al 1982: The Cytosine Arabinoside (Ara-C) Syndrome Bubalo 2015: Prevention and Treatment of Cytarabine-Induced Keratoconjunctivitis