Relay lifetime online calculator


*Note:*A cycle is typically defined as switching the relay on and switching it off again, i.e. one cycle consists of two switch actions (on + off).

In case you know how many seconds between cycles:

[calculator momentjs=“true”]

[calculator-input name=“t” label=“seconds between cycles” unit=“s”][/calculator-input] [calculator-input name=“lifetime” label=“nominal relay lifetime” unit=“cycles”][/calculator-input]

[calculator-expression name=“life” formula=“lifetime*t” unit=“cycles”]

[calculator-output name=“lifetime” unit=“seconds”] A relay with a nominal lifetime of  <%= format(lifetime, “Cycles”) %> switched every <%= format(t, “s”) %> will have a predicted lifetime of <%= formatDuration(life, “s”) %> (<%= formatInteger(life, " seconds") %>) [/calculator-output]


[latex display=“true”]N_{\text{predicted}} = N_{\text{nominal}} \cdot \text{Seconds between cycles}[/latex]

In case you know how many relay cyclesper second**:

[calculator momentjs=“true”]

[calculator-input name=“cps” label=“Cycles per second” unit=“Hz”][/calculator-input] [calculator-input name=“lifetime” label=“nominal relay lifetime” unit=“cycles”][/calculator-input]

[calculator-expression name=“life” formula=“lifetime/cps” unit=“cycles”]

[calculator-output name=“lifetime” unit=“seconds”] A relay with a nominal lifetime of  <%= format(lifetime, “Cycles”) %> switched at <%= format(cps, “Hz”) %> will have a predicted lifetime of <%= formatDuration(life, “s”) %> (<%= formatInteger(life, " seconds") %>) [/calculator-output]


[latex display=“true”]N_{\text{predicted}} = \frac{N_{\text{nominal}}}{\text{Cycles per second}}[/latex]