How to generate range of dates in pandas

In this example, we’ll create a list of pandas Timestamp objects that represent 100 consecutive days, starting at a fixed date:

start_date = pd.Timestamp("2020-03-01")

Generating the 100 consecutive days is easy:

all_days = [start_date + pd.Timedelta(d, "days") for d in range(100)]

Note that range(100) will generate all numbers from 0 up to and including 99. Hence, [pd.Timedelta(d, "days") for d in range(100)] will generate a list of Timedeltas that represent 0 days, 1 days, 2 days, …, 99 days.

Full example:

import pandas as pd

start_date = pd.Timestamp("2020-03-01")
all_days = [start_date + pd.Timedelta(d, "days") for d in range(100)]
