FreeRTOS task queue minimal example
This is how you create and use a task queue in FreeRTOS:
Global declaration
Declare the structure of a task (I recommend to use a *task type enum class
*in order to keep the flexibility of using multiple task types:
#include <freertos/queue.h>
enum class I2CTaskType : uint8_t {
MyTaskType = 0
struct I2CTask {
I2CTaskType type;
// Parameters
int16_t value;
static QueueHandle_t i2cTaskQueue;
Initialization code
Call this once, before using it:
// Create task queue
i2cTaskQueue = xQueueCreate(8 /* Number of queue slots */, sizeof(I2CTask));
In the thread processing the queue
if (xQueueReceive(i2cTaskQueue, (void *)&task, portMAX_DELAY /* Wait infinitely for new tasks */) == pdTRUE) {
if(task.type == I2CTaskType::MyTaskType) {
// TODO process task
Serial.printf("My task type: %d\r\n", task.value);
How to add a task to the queue
void AddTask(int16_t val) {
I2CTask task;
task.type = I2CTaskType::MyTaskType;
task.value = val;
xQueueSend(i2cTaskQueue, (void*)&task, 10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS /* timeout */);
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