MikroTik webinterface reverse proxy using Traefik

The following Traefik .toml file which reverse proxies a MikroTik router’s WebFig webinterface is based on our Traefik setup from Simple Traefik docker-compose setup with Lets Encrypt Cloudflare DNS-01 & TLS-ALPN-01 & HTTP-01 challenges. It assumes that the MikroTik router is reachable at via HTTP.

No Authentication beyond the MikroTik router’s WebFig internal authentication is performed. However - at least when using our Traefik config from our previous post it enforces HTTPS i.e. encrypted access.

Save the following file under config/mikrotik01.toml. Traefik will automatically reload, no restart will be required.

rule = "Host(`mikrotik01.mydomain.com`)"
service = "mikrotik01"

certresolver = "cloudflare"

main = "mydomain.com"
sans = ["*.mydomain.com"]

url = ""