How to fix docker MariaDB correct definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column 'hist_type' at position 9...


In the log of your MySQL docker server, you see logs like

mariadb_1    | 2022-06-07 20:24:00 283 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column 'hist_type' at position 9 to have type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB','JSON_HB'), found type enum('SINGLE_PREC_HB','DOUBLE_PREC_HB').
mariadb_1    | 2022-06-07 20:24:00 283 [ERROR] Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats: expected column 'histogram' at position 10 to have type longblob, found type varbinary(255).


This happens after doing a version upgrade of the MySQL version.

In order to fix it, run the upgrade by running mysql_upgrade in the contaienr

docker-compose exec mariadb mysql_upgrade -uroot -pchopahl0aib4eiphuk5bao3shiVoow

where chopahl0aib4eiphuk5bao3shiVoow is your MySQL root password.

If you have your password in .env as we recommend, you can use this command:

source .env && docker-compose exec mariadb mysql_upgrade -uroot -p${MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD}