How to compute position of sun in the sky in Python using skyfield
The following code computes the position of the sun (in azimuth/altitude coordinates) in the sky using the skyfield
library. Note that you need to download de421.bsp
from skyfield import api
from skyfield import almanac
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import dateutil.parser
from calendar import monthrange
ts = api.load.timescale()
ephem = api.load_file('de421.bsp')
sun = ephem["Sun"]
earth = ephem["Earth"]
# Compute sunrise & sunset for random location near Munich
location = api.Topos('48.324777 N', '11.405610 E', elevation_m=519)
# Compute the sun position as seen from the observer at <location>
sun_pos = (earth + location).at(
# Compute apparent altitude & azimuth for the sun's position
altitude, azimuth, distance = sun_pos.altaz()
# Print results (example)
print(f"Altitude: {altitude.degrees:.4f} °")
print(f"Azimuth: {azimuth.degrees:.4f} °")
Example output
Altitude: -3.3121 °
Azimuth: 48.4141 °
Factors influencing the accuracy of the calculation
This way of calculating the position takes into account:
- The slight shift in position caused by light speed
- The very very slight shift in position caused by earth’s gravity
But it does not take into account:
- Atmospheric distortions shifting the sun’s position
- The extent of the sun’s disk causing the sun to emanate not from a point but apparently from an area
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