Which MikroTik devices support ZeroTier?

MikroTik published an official ZeroTier package for MikroTik routers. But not all Routers support

Devices which only support SwOS (SwitchOS) do not support ZeroTier. You need a device running RouterOS.

But even among the RouterOS devices, not all devices support ZeroTier. The first requirement is that you are running a recent version of RouterOS such as RouterOS 7.4.1 **At the time of writing this post (2022-08-22), only devices with the ARM and ARM64 architecture support ZeroTier.**For other devices, you can’t even download the package. This include CHR (cloud hosted router) running on x86 or x86_64 for which ZeroTier is currently not available.

More specifically, for RouterOS version 7.4.1 and 7.5beta11, neither x86/x86_64 nor the  SMIPS/MMIPS/MIPSBE or Tile architecture support ZeroTier.

Before buying a device or commiting to ZeroTier, download the Extra packages for your architecture from the MikroTik download page and check if there’s a zerotier-....npk in the ZIP archive. If it isn’t available there, you currently can’t use ZeroTier on that device - but possibly it will be supported in the future.