How to autostart Wireguard (wg-quick) on boot on Alpine Linux
If you have a Wireguard config file such asĀ /etc/wireguard/wghome.conf
, which you can start manually usingĀ wg-quick up wghome
, this is how you autostart it on boot. Thanks to Justin Ludwig on Serverfault for the template for that init script
Create /etc/init.d/wg-quick-wghome
description="wg-quick wghome"
depend() {
need net
need localmount
start() {
wg-quick up schlaftier
stop() {
wg-quick down schlaftier
Then make it executable:
chmod a+x /etc/init.d/wg-quick-wghome
and enable it to start on boot:
rc-update add wg-quick-wghome default
and start it right now if desired:
/etc/init.d/wg-quick-wghome start
Of course you can add multiple scripts like this. Just ensure to name them differently and perform all the steps required to enable startup on boot.
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