How to manually run InvenTree backup
By default, InvenTree creates a daily backup of both its data files and the database.
You can manually run the backup by using the following command
invoke backup
In a docker-compose-based setup, for example, you can run the backup using
docker-compose run inventree-server invoke backup
Example output:
Loading config file : /home/inventree/data/config.yaml
InvenTree translation coverage: 22%
Restoring InvenTree database...
Finding latest backup
Restoring backup for database 'default' and server 'None'
Restoring: default-de1837564ff0-2023-01-20-004732.psql.bin.gz
Restore tempfile created: 391.4 KiB
Restoring InvenTree media files...
Restoring backup for media files
Finding latest backup
Restoring: de1837564ff0-2023-01-20-004736.tar.gz
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