Inventree Python API: How to create a new part

See our previous post Inventree Python API: Minimal API connect example using YAML config for our method of creating the api object using a YAML config file!

The following code finds a part category called ICs and creates a new part in that category.

First, we need to fetch the part categories, this is from our previous post Inventree Python API: Minimal API connect example using YAML config:

from inventree.part import PartCategory

all_categories = PartCategory.list(api)

# Dict of part categories by name
# (e.g. 'OpAmps')
part_categories_by_name = {
    category["name"]: category
    for category in all_categories
# Dict of part categories by public key (e.g. 7)
part_categories_by_pk = { category
    for category in all_categories
# Dict of part categories by hierarchical path
# (e.g. 'Electronics-Components/ICs/OpAmps')
part_categories_by_pathstring = {
    category.pathstring: category
    for category in all_categories

Now let’s select the correct category:

ics = part_categories_by_name['ICs']

Now it’s finally time to create the part:

from inventree.part import Part

new_part = Part.create(api, {
    'name': 'L78L33ABD',
    'description': '100mA 3.3V fixed LDO regulator, SOIC-8',

You can read the primary key (pk) for the newly generated part using