How to fix erpc ValueError: The generated shim code version ... is different to the rest of eRPC code


When trying to import yourerpc project generated Python code using e.g.

from erpc_myproject import *

You see the following error message:

Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In [1], line 1
----> 1 from erpc_myproject import *

File ./erpc_myproject/
     11     version = "unknown"
     12 if version != "1.9.1":
---> 13     raise ValueError("The generated shim code version (1.9.1) is different to the rest of eRPC code (%s). \
     14 Install newer version by running \"python install\" in folder erpc/erpc_python/." % repr(version))
     16 from . import common
     17 from . import client

ValueError: The generated shim code version (1.9.1) is different to the rest of eRPC code ('unknown'). Install newer version by running "python install" in folder erpc/erpc_python/.


Either you have not installed the erpc Python library (if the error message lists ... different to the rest of eRPC code ('unknown')) or you have installed the wrong version (e.g. ... (1.9.1) is different to the rest of eRPC code ('1.10.0')).

If you have not installed erpc at all, simply use

pip install erpc

and retry running your script.

If you have installed the wrong version, you have two options:

Option 1 (preferred): Re-generate the code

Just use the original command (some erpcgen call) you’ve used to re-generate the code using the currently installed version.

Option 2: Install the correct version

For this, you need to determine what the correct version is. Let’s consider the following error message:

ValueError: The generated shim code version (1.9.1) is different to the rest of eRPC code ('1.10.0'). Install newer version by running "python install" in folder erpc/erpc_python/.

From this message, we can read that the shim code version is 1.9.1 whereas you have 1.10.0 installed. Therefore, in order to make it work, we need to install erpc version 1.9.1.

Install it using

pip install -U erpc==1.9.1

and then retry your command. If you are using jupyter notebooks or similar, you need to restart your kernel to load the new library!