How to show wx dialog message in KiCAD pcbnew plugin

When using KiCAD’s Python API for pcbnew, you can show a dialog by using the following snippet

# Show info dialog
dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Please select one or multiple footprints!\n...or use Ctrl+A to select everything.", "No footprints selected", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)

Note that you need to

import wx

at the top of your plugin.

This code will show the following dialog:


Complete plugin example:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import pcbnew
import wx

class DialogExamplePlugin(pcbnew.ActionPlugin):
    def defaults(self): = "Show dialog example"
        self.category = "A descriptive category name"
        self.description = "A description of the plugin and what it does"
        self.show_toolbar_button = False # Optional, defaults to False

    def Run(self):
        dlg = wx.MessageDialog(None, "Please select one or multiple footprints!\n...or use Ctrl+A to select everything.", "No footprints selected", wx.OK | wx.ICON_ERROR)

DialogExamplePlugin().register() # Instantiate and register to Pcbnew

You can place this plugin, for example, in


Don’t forget to refresh the plugins from the pcbnew menu.