How to fix ESP32 rmt: rmt_transmit(476): channel not in enable state

If you get the following error during a rmt_transmit() call:

rmt: rmt_transmit(476): channel not in enable state



after calling rmt_new_tx_channel().

Full initialization example

rmt_channel_handle_t channel;
rmt_tx_channel_config_t tx_chan_config = {
    .gpio_num = GPIO_NUM_19,          // GPIO number
    .clk_src = RMT_CLK_SRC_DEFAULT,   // select source clock
    .resolution_hz = 1 * 1000 * 1000, // 1 MHz resolution
    .mem_block_symbols = 64,          // memory block size, 64 * 4 = 256 Bytes
    .trans_queue_depth = 1,           // set the number of transactions that can pend in the background
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(rmt_new_tx_channel(&tx_chan_config, &channel));