How to get historical soil temperature data in Python using pandas and OpenMeteo
import openmeteo_requests
import requests_cache
import pandas as pd
from retry_requests import retry
# Setup the Open-Meteo API client with cache and retry on error
cache_session = requests_cache.CachedSession('.cache', expire_after = 3600)
retry_session = retry(cache_session, retries = 5, backoff_factor = 0.2)
openmeteo = openmeteo_requests.Client(session = retry_session)
# Make sure all required weather variables are listed here
# The order of variables in hourly or daily is important to assign them correctly below
url = ""
params = {
'latitude': 48.1351, # Latitude of Munich
'longitude': 11.5820, # Longitude of Munich
'start_date': '2023-04-01',
'end_date': '2024-05-16',
"hourly": "soil_temperature_7_to_28cm"
responses = openmeteo.weather_api(url, params=params)
# Process first location. Add a for-loop for multiple locations or weather models
response = responses[0]
print(f"Coordinates {response.Latitude()}°N {response.Longitude()}°E")
print(f"Elevation {response.Elevation()} m asl")
print(f"Timezone {response.Timezone()} {response.TimezoneAbbreviation()}")
print(f"Timezone difference to GMT+0 {response.UtcOffsetSeconds()} s")
# Process hourly data. The order of variables needs to be the same as requested.
hourly = response.Hourly()
hourly_soil_temperature = hourly.Variables(0).ValuesAsNumpy()
hourly_data = {"date": pd.date_range(
start = pd.to_datetime(hourly.Time(), unit = "s", utc = True),
end = pd.to_datetime(hourly.TimeEnd(), unit = "s", utc = True),
freq = pd.Timedelta(seconds = hourly.Interval()),
inclusive = "left"
hourly_data["soil_temperature"] = hourly_soil_temperature
hourly_dataframe = pd.DataFrame(data = hourly_data)
hourly_dataframe.set_index("date", inplace = True)
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