Restic: Direct MariaDB/MySQL backup without intermediary file

This script assumes that .env contains the MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD variable to access MariaDB.

You need to set the RESTIC environment variables appropriately so Restic knows where to backup to.

export RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rest:http://restic:[email protected]:16383/myservice
export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=.restic_password

with .restic_password containing just the encryption password for this specific share.

Backing up a local MariaDB/MySQL database directly to Restic

source .env # for MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD
mysqldump -uroot -p${MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD} --all-databases | restic --verbose backup --stdin --stdin-filename="mariadb.sql"

Backing up a dockerized MariaDB/MySQL database directly to Restic

source .env # for MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD
docker-compose exec -T mariadb mariadb-dump -uroot -p${MARIADB_ROOT_PASSWORD} --all-databases | restic --verbose backup --stdin --stdin-filename="mariadb.sql"