How to fix Quay 'Create new account' button - nothing happening


When you try to register in your Quay container registry:

![Quay create new account](/images/2024/7/Quay create new account.png)

you click the “Create new account” button, but nothing happens.

In the javascript console, you see a 401 Unauthorized error.

In the quay server log, you see the following error message:

[ERROR] [util.http] Error 401: Anonymous access is not allowed; Arguments: {'url': '', 'status_code': 401, 'message': 'Anonymous access is not allowed'}


In your quay config, you need to set


and restart quay. This will allow anonymous access to the registration page. You also have to reload the page after quay has finished restarting - not doing so will result in invisible CSRF token errors!.

You can disable anonymous access later if desired.