Restic backup script for Gitlab Docker with Omnibus
Note: Related posts:
Configuring the backup script
First, generate the encryption password using
pwgen 30 > .restic_password
Make sure to back up this password separately or ALL YOUR DATA WILL BE LOST!
Now create
in the same directory as docker-compose.yml
export NAME=$(basename $(pwd))
export RESTIC_REPOSITORY=rest:http://restic:[email protected]:16383/$NAME
export RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE=.restic_password
if [ ! -f "${RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE}" ]; then
echo "Please create .restic_password with the backup encryption password AND BACKUP THAT PASSWORD SEPARATELY!!!"
exit 1
echo "Initing repo, please ignore any 'already exists' errors"
if [ ! -f ".restic_inited" ]; then
# Run the restic init command
restic init
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # if init successful
# Create the initialization file
touch ".restic_inited"
echo "Restic initialized"
# Save Gitlab-internal PostgreSQL
docker-compose exec -u gitlab-psql gitlab pg_dump -h /var/opt/gitlab/postgresql/ -d gitlabhq_production | restic --verbose backup --stdin --stdin-filename="$NAME-pgdump.sql"
# Save directories
restic --verbose backup config data index docker-compose.yml --exclude=data/gitlab-rails/shared/artifacts/ --exclude=data/postgresql
Automatically starting the backup script
See How To Create A Systemd Backup Timer & Service In 10 Seconds
TL;DR: In the directory where
resides, run
wget -qO- | sudo bash /dev/stdin
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