How to find static IP address for unknown device

The easiest way to find a static IPv4 address for any unknown device is netdiscover.

The easiest, and most reliable way of doing that is to just use the brute-force mode on your network interface, connected directly to the device.

sudo netdiscover -S -f -i eth0

Example output

 Currently scanning: Finished!   |   Screen View: Unique Hosts                                                                                                                                                                            
 2 Captured ARP Req/Rep packets, from 2 hosts.   Total size: 120                                                                                                                                                                           
   IP            At MAC Address     Count     Len  MAC Vendor / Hostname      
 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------     90:1b:0e:d7:ae:23      1      60  Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH                                                                                                                                                  90:1b:0e:d7:ae:23      1      60  Fujitsu Technology Solutions GmbH

Other methods

Previously, I used wireshark and just trying out IP addresses manually, but since even the brute force mode is just so easy to use and just takes a couple of seconds, there is really no use in doing it any other way.