The core reason behind No module named 'roslaunch'


You’re running or launching some ROS package, but you see an error message such as

No module named 'roslaunch'


The core reason for this is that roslaunch is from ROS 1, whereas you’re using ROS 2.

Therefore, you must be mixing ROS 1 and ROS 2 packages in some way.

The next step for you would be to find out which package uses roslaunch and then find a ROS 2 equivalent for that package. /home/uli/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xacro/

ag -i roslaunch

Sometimes this happens because you’ve installed Python packages somewhere (outside the main ROS2 directory, for example using pip) and these ROS1 packages are still in your PYTHONPATH.

In case you are using ros2 launch, see our post ROS2 hack to enable DEBUG logging during ‘ros2 launch’ for an easy hack to see the stacktrace where roslaunch is being imported from.

In my case, I installed a copy of xacro to ~/.local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/xacro/

Therefore, I needed to uninstall xacro using

pip uninstall xacro

and then install the ROS2 version of xacro using

sudo apt -y install ros-jazzy-xacro