Python script to create a circle consisting of 7 rainbow-colored pizza slices

This script creates a SVG consisting of 7 equally sized “pizza slices”:

rainbow pizza.svg

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, SubElement, tostring
import math

# Function to generate the SVG

def create_rainbow_pizza_svg(filename):
    # Define SVG properties
    svg_width = 200
    svg_height = 200
    radius = 100
    cx, cy = svg_width // 2, svg_height // 2

    # Colors of the rainbow
    rainbow_colors = [
        "red", "orange", "yellow", "green", "blue", "indigo", "violet"

    # Calculate angles for slices
    num_slices = len(rainbow_colors)
    angle_per_slice = 2 * math.pi / num_slices

    # Create SVG root
    svg = Element('svg', {
        'xmlns': '',
        'viewBox': f"0 0 {svg_width} {svg_height}",
        'width': str(svg_width),
        'height': str(svg_height),

    for i, color in enumerate(rainbow_colors):
        # Calculate start and end angles
        start_angle = i * angle_per_slice
        end_angle = (i + 1) * angle_per_slice

        # Calculate points for the slice
        x1 = cx + radius * math.cos(start_angle)
        y1 = cy - radius * math.sin(start_angle)
        x2 = cx + radius * math.cos(end_angle)
        y2 = cy - radius * math.sin(end_angle)

        # Create path for the slice
        path_data = (
            f"M {cx} {cy} "  # Move to circle center
            f"L {x2:.2f} {y2:.2f} "  # Line to first edge of slice
            f"A {radius} {radius} 0 0 1 {x1:.2f} {y1:.2f} "  # Arc to second edge
            f"Z"  # Close path

        path = SubElement(svg, 'path', {
            'd': path_data,
            'fill': color,

    # Write to file
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        f.write(tostring(svg, encoding='unicode'))

# Create the SVG