
How to ‘wp package install’ in wpcli docker container

Using docker-compose with a config such as

# ...
      - wordpress
    image: wordpress:cli
    user: 1000:1000
    command: tail -f /dev/null
      - ./wordpress:/var/www/html
        - WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mariadb:3306
        - WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress
        - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress

You need to install the package in the container as root to avoid

Error: Composer directory '/.wp-cli/packages' for packages couldn't be created: mkdir(): Permission denied

Use the following command to install a package

docker-compose exec -u root wpcli wp package install wp-cli/profile-command:@stable --allow-root
Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Wordpress

How to change admin password using wpcli on docker-compose

docker-compose exec wpcli wp user update admin --user_pass='ee7saeNg9Moh5shoodocaixaingoov'

This works, for example with a docker-compose wpcli config like:

      - wordpress
    image: wordpress:cli
    user: 1000:1000
    command: tail -f /dev/null
      - ./wordpress:/var/www/html
        - WORDPRESS_DB_HOST=mariadb:3306
        - WORDPRESS_DB_USER=wordpress
        - WORDPRESS_DB_NAME=wordpress


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Wordpress

How to identify which docker container is consuming 100% CPU

  • Open htop and press F6 and select PERCENT_CPU. Repeat until you’ve sorted descending by CPU consumption
  • Now identify the PID (process ID) of the offending process consuming 100% CPU

docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}, {{.Name}}' $(docker ps -q)
  • Now identify the line with the PID, e.g.
8599, /wordpress-myblog-btronik_mariadb_1

Now you know which container is consuming 100% CPU.

Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to find list of docker containers with PID (process ID)

The following command will show you a list of all running docker containers with their PIDs

docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}, {{.Name}}' $(docker ps -q)

Example output:

9046, /wordpress-myblog-btronik_wpcli_1
8848, /wordpress-myblog-btronik_wordpress_1
8795, /wordpress-myblog-btronik_phpmyadmin_1
8599, /wordpress-myblog-btronik_mariadb_1
3627, /wordpress-secondpage_wpcli_1
3505, /wordpress-mywebsite_wpcli_1
3172, /wordpress-secondpage_wordpress_1
2907, /wordpress-mywebsite_wordpress_1
2646, /wordpress-secondpage_mariadb_1
2518, /webmail_roundcube_1
2323, /wordpress-mywebsite_mariadb_1
2303, /redmine-mywebsite_mariadb_1


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to install pip on Docker container without ensurepip

python3 -c "import urllib.request; urllib.request.urlretrieve('', '')"
python3 --break-system-packages


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Python

How to find docker network ID for every docker-compose service running in the current directory

Run the following command in the directory where docker-compose.yml resides:

docker-compose -f $(find . -name 'docker-compose.yml' -type f) ps -q | xargs -I {} docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}: {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.NetworkID}}{{end}}' {}

Example output:

/myservice-server-1: 3b533d2074e7230426adf0d269b399d356066130719ffd3ef68d6d492f3757f6
/myservice-ui-1: 3b533d2074e7230426adf0d269b399d356066130719ffd3ef68d6d492f3757f6

Breakdown of the command:

  • docker-compose -f $(find . -name 'docker-compose.yml' -type f) ps -q: This part finds all docker-compose.yml files in the current directory and its subdirectories and runs docker-compose ps -q for each of them. This command lists the running containers’ IDs for each service defined in the Docker Compose files.
  • xargs -I {} docker inspect --format '{{.Name}}: {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.NetworkID}}{{end}}' {}: This part takes the container IDs output by the previous step and runs docker inspect on each of them. It extracts the container’s name and its Ethernet interface information using a custom format. It formats the output as “ServiceName: NetworkID.”
Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to fix docker wpcli Warning: Failed to create directory “/var/www/html/wp-content/upgrade/…”


When trying to update a plugin or similar action using the wordpress:cli wpcli docker image, for example using a command such as

docker-compose exec wpcli wp plugin update google-sitemap-generator

you see an error message such as

Warning: Failed to create directory. "/var/www/html/wp-content/upgrade/google-sitemap-generator.4.1.16"
| name                     | old_version | new_version | status |
| google-sitemap-generator | 4.1.13      | 4.1.16      | Error  |
Error: No plugins updated (1 failed).


This error occurs because the wordpress image (without :cli!) is based on Debian and the wordpress:cli image is based on Alpine Linux. Debian uses the UID 33 for the www-data user whereas Alpine Linux uses 83. So to fix the permission problem, you need to force the cli image to use 33:

This is documented on the wordpress docker page.

docker-compose exec -e HOME=/tmp --user 33:33 wpcli wp plugin update google-sitemap-generator


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Wordpress

Syncthing docker-compose setup using Traefik as reverse proxy with HTTP basic auth

This setup uses a docker-compose based syncthing setup and Traefik as reverse proxy. HTTP basic auth is used to prevent unauthorized access to the syncthing web UI. Alternatively, you can use the built-in password protection.

See Simple Traefik docker-compose setup with Lets Encrypt Cloudflare DNS-01 & TLS-ALPN-01 & HTTP-01 challenges for my HTTPS setup for Traefik.

version: "3"
    image: syncthing/syncthing
    hostname: Syncthing-Myserver
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - ./syncthing_data:/var/syncthing
    ports: # NOTE: 8384 not forwarded, this is handled by traefik
      - "22000:22000"
      - "21027:21027/udp"
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing.rule=Host(``)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing.entrypoints=websecure"
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing.tls.certresolver=cloudflare"
      - "[0]"
      - "[0].sans=*"
      - ""
      - "traefik.http.routers.syncthing.middlewares=syncthing-auth"
      # Auth (this is shared with the server). NOTE: generate with "htpasswd -n admin" and REPLACE EVERY "$" by "$$" IN THE OUTPUT!
      - "traefik.http.middlewares.syncthing-auth.basicauth.users=admin:$$apr1$$ehr8oqEZ$$tHoOVLG19oHdUe81IeePo1


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Traefik

How to install /etc/services on Ubuntu Docker image

When you use a Ubuntu-based docker image such as

FROM ubuntu:22.04

by default, /etc/services is not installed.

However, you can easily install it by installing the netbase apt package:

# netbase provides /etc/services
RUN apt update && apt install -y netbase && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Linux

Do Docker “node” images have ssh-keygen?

I tested with node:20 and node:20-alpine and can confirm that:

  • node:20 (i.e. debian bookworm based) has a working ssh-keygen
  • node:20-alpine does not have ssh-keygen

On Alpine, you can install ssh-keygen using apk.

Typically, this means you have to build your own docker image based no node:20-alpine. In your Dockerfile, add

RUN   apk update && \
      apk add --no-cache \


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, NodeJS

How to automatically remove duplicate docker networks

docker-compose based setups with locally mounted volumes have very few common failure modes in practice. The most important ones are system upgrades to docker stopping all the services and duplicate networks with the same name preventing the startup of a service. Sometimes, docker-compose does not delete the old network properly, possibly due to unclean or unfinished shutdown procedures.

This will result in log messages such as

May 22 21:52:15 myserver docker-compose[2384642]: Removing network etherpad-mydomain_default
May 22 21:52:15 myserver docker-compose[2384642]: network etherpad-mydomain_default is ambiguous (2 matches found based on name)
May 22 21:52:16 myserver systemd[1]: etherpad-mydomain.service: Control process exited, code=exited, status=1/FAILURE

This simple script will find all duplicate network names and simply delete one of them.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import subprocess
import json

already_seen_networks = set()

output = subprocess.check_output(["docker", "network", "ls", "--format", "{{json .}}"])
for line in output.decode("utf-8").split("\n"):
    line = line.strip()
    if not line: continue
    obj = json.loads(line.strip())
    id = obj["ID"]
    name = obj["Name"]
    if name in already_seen_networks:
        print(f"Detected duplicate network {name}. Removing duplicate network {id}...")
        subprocess.check_output(["docker", "network", "rm", id])


Just call this script without any arguments



Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, Python

How to list docker networks as JSON

docker network ls --format '{{json .}}'

Example output:

{"CreatedAt":"2023-05-12 01:21:58.769840402 +0200 CEST","Driver":"bridge","ID":"649e42effc83","IPv6":"false","Internal":"false","Labels":"com.docker.compose.version=1.29.2,,com.docker.compose.project=vaultwarden-mydomain","Name":"vaultwarden-mydomain_default","Scope":"local"}


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to install InvenTree using docker in just 5 minutes

The following script is an automated installation script for InvenTree that fetches the current docker-compose.yml and other configs from GitHub, modifies them so that only local directories are used for storage and then setups InvenTree.

First, create a directory such as /opt/inventree-mydomain. I recommend to choose a unique directory name and not just inventree to keep instae


wget -O
wget -O docker-compose.yml
wget -O .env

sed -i -e 's/#INVENTREE_DB_USER=pguser/INVENTREE_DB_USER=inventree/g' .env
sed -i -e "s/#INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD=pgpassword/INVENTREE_DB_PASSWORD=$(pwgen 30 1)/g" .env
sed -i -e "s/INVENTREE_WEB_PORT=1337/INVENTREE_WEB_PORT=$(shuf -i 1024-65535 -n 1)/g" .env
sed -i -e "s/#INVENTREE_ADMIN_EMAIL=/[email protected]/g" .env
sed -i -e 's/COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME=inventree-production//g' .env
# Enable cache
sed -i -e "s/#INVENTREE_CACHE_HOST=inventree-cache/INVENTREE_CACHE_HOST=inventree-cache/g" .env
sed -i -e "s/#INVENTREE_CACHE_PORT=6379/INVENTREE_CACHE_PORT=6379/g" .env
# Use direct directory mapping to avoid mounting issues
sed -i -e "s%- inventree_data:%- $(pwd)/inventree_data:%g" docker-compose.yml
# ... now we can remove the volume declarations from docker-compose.yml
sed -i -e '/^volumes:/,$d' docker-compose.yml

sed -z -i -e 's#profiles:\s*- redis\s*##g' docker-compose.yml # Make redis start always, even without docker-compose --profile redis
# Use standard docker-compose directory naming to facilitate multiple parallel installations
sed -z -i -e 's#container_name:\s*[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*\s*##g' docker-compose.yml # Remove container_name: ... statements
# Create data directory which is bound to the docker volume
mkdir -p inventree_data
# Initialize database
docker-compose up -d inventree-cache inventree-db # database initialization needs cache
docker-compose run inventree-server invoke update

After that, you can check .env for the randomly generated  INVENTREE_ADMIN_PASSWORD and INVENTREE_WEB_PORT.

Now you can enable autostart & start the service using systemd, for more details see our post Create a systemd service for your docker-compose project in 10 seconds:

curl -fsSL | sudo bash /dev/stdin

Don’t forget to configure your reverse proxy to point to InvenTree.

Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker, InvenTree

How to get IP address of a running docker-compose container

This will get the IP address of a running docker-compose container for the mongoservice.

docker inspect $(docker-compose ps --format json | jq -r 'map(select(.Service=="mongo"))[0].ID') --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'

When you use this in shell scripts, it’s often convenient to store the IP address in a variable:

export MONGO_IP=$(docker inspect $(docker-compose ps --format json | jq -r 'map(select(.Service=="mongo"))[0].ID') --format '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}')

which you can then use as $MONGO_IP.

For more details on how this works, see the following posts:


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to get container name of docker-compose container

Lets’s assume the directory where your docker-compose.yml is located is called myservice

If you have, for example, a docker-compose.yml that declares a service mongo running MongoDB, docker-compose will call the container mongo or mongo-1.

However, docker itself will call that container myservice-mongo-1.

In order to find out the actual docker name of your container – assuming the container is running – use the following code:

docker-compose ps --format json | jq -r 'map(select(.Service=="mongo"))[0].Name'

This uses docker-compose ps to list running containers, exporting some information as JSON, for example:

  "ID": "2d68b1c1625dbfb41e05f55af0a333b5700332112c6c7551f78afe27b1dfc7ad",
  "Name": "production-mongo-1",
  "Command": " mongod",
  "Project": "production",
  "Service": "mongo",
  "State": "running",
  "Health": "",
  "ExitCode": 0,
  "Publishers": [
      "URL": "",
      "TargetPort": 27017,
      "PublishedPort": 0,
      "Protocol": "tcp"

Then we use jq (a command line JSON processor) to a) select only the entry in the list of running containers where the Service attribute equals mongo, b) take the first one using [0] and get the Name attribute which stores the name of the container.

Example output

$ docker-compose ps --format json | jq -r 'map(select(.Service=="mongo"))[0].Name'


Posted by Uli Köhler in Container, Docker

bup remote server docker-compose config with CIFS-mounted backup store

In our previous post How to setup a “bup remote” server in 5 minutes using docker-compose we outlined how to setup your own bup remote server using docker-composeRead that post before this one!

This post provides an alternate docker-compose.yml config file that mounts a remote CIFS directory as /bup backup directory instead of using a local directory. This is most useful when using a NAS and a separate bup server.

For this example, we’ll mount the CIFS share // with user cifsuser and password pheT8Eigho.

Note: For performance reasons, the CIFS server (NAS) and the bup server should be locally connected, not via the internet.

# Mount the backup volume using CIFS
# NOTE: We recommend to not use a storage mounted over the internet
# for performance reasons. Instead, deploy a bup remote server locally.
      type: cifs
      o: "username=cifsuser,password=pheT8Eigho,uid=1111,gid=1111"
      device: "//"

version: "3.8"
    image: ulikoehler/bup-server:latest
      - SSH_PORT=2022
      - ./dotssh:/home/bup/.ssh
      - ./dropbear:/etc/dropbear
      # BUP backup storage: CIFS mounted
      - bup-backups:/bup
      - 2022:2022
    restart: unless-stopped


Posted by Uli Köhler in bup, Docker, Networking

How to setup a “bup remote” server in 5 minutes using docker-compose

The bup backup system implements remote backup on a server by connecting via SSH to said server, starting a bup process there and then communicating via the SSH tunnel.

In this post, we’ll setup a server for bup remote backup based on our ulikoehler/bup-server image (which contains both bup and dropbear as an SSH server).

1. Initialize the directory structure & create SSH keyset to access the server

I recommend doing this in /opt/bup, but in principle, any directory will do.

mkdir -p dotssh bup
# Generate new elliptic curve public key
ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_bup -N ""
# Add SSH key to list of authorized keys
cat | sudo tee -a dotssh/authorized_keys
# Fix permissions so that dropbear does not complain
sudo chown -R 1111:1111 bup
sudo chmod 0600 dotssh/authorized_keys
sudo chmod 0700 dotssh

1111 is the user ID of the bup user in the VM.

2. Create docker-compose.yml

Note: This docker-compose.yml uses a local backup directory – you can also mount a CIFS directory from e.g. a NAS device. See bup remote server docker-compose config with CIFS-mounted backup store for more details.

version: "3.8"
    image: ulikoehler/bup-server:latest
      - SSH_PORT=2022
      - ./dotssh:/home/bup/.ssh
      - ./dropbear:/etc/dropbear
      # BUP backup storage:
      - ./bup:/bup
      - 2022:2022
    restart: unless-stopped

3. Startup the container

At this point, you can use docker-compose up to startup the service. However, it’s typically easier to just use TechOverflow’s script to generate a systemd script to autostart the service on boot (and start it right now):

curl -fsSL | sudo bash /dev/stdin

When you run docker-compose logs -f, you should see a greeting message from dropbear such as

bupremotedocker-bup-remote-1  | [1] Dec 25 14:58:20 Not backgrounding

4. Create a .ssh/config entry on the client

You need to do this for each client.

Copy id_bup (which we generated earlier) to each client into a folder such as ~/.ssh. Where you copy it does not matter, but the user who will be running the backups later will need access to this file. Also, for that user you need to create a .ssh/config entry telling SSH how to access the bup server:

Host BupServer
    User bup
    Port 2022
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_bup

Set HostName to the IP or domain name of the host running the docker container.
Set User to bup. This is hard-coded in the container.
Set Port to whatever port you mapped out in docker-compose.yml. If the ports: line in docker-compose.ymlis - 1234:2022, the correct value for Port in .ssh/config is 1234.
Set IdentityFile to whereever id_bup is located (see above).

Now you need to connect to the bup server container once for each client. This is both to spot issues with your SSH configuration (such as wrong permissions on the id_bup file) and to save the SSH host key of the container as known key:

ssh BupServer

If this prompts you for a password, something is wrong in your configuration – possibly, your are connecting to the wrong SSH host since the bup server container has password authentication disabled.

5. Connect using bup

Every client will need bup to be installed. See How to install bup on Ubuntu 22.04 and similar posts.

You have to understand that bup will need both a local directory (called the index) and a directory on the bup server called destination directory.  You have to use one index directory and one destination directory per backup project. What you define as backup project is up to you, but I strongly recommend to use one backup project per application you backup, in order to have data locality: Backups from one application belong together.

By convention, the /bup directory on the server (i.e. container) is dedicated for this purpose (and mapped to a directory or volume outside of the container).

On the local host, I recommend using either /var/lib/bup/project.index.bup or ~/bup/project.index.bup and let bup auto-create project-specific directories from there. If you use a special user on the client to do backups, you can also place the indexes. If the index is lost, this is not an issue as long as the backup works (it just will take a few minutes to check all files again). You should not backup the index directory.

There is no requirement for the .bup or .index.bup suffix but if you use it, it will allow you to quickly discern what a directory is and whether it is important or nor.

In order to use bup, you first need to initialize the directories. You can do this multiple times without any issue, so I do it at the start of each of my backup scripts.

bup -d ~/buptest.index.bup init -r BupServer:/bup/buptest.bup

After that, you can start backing up. Generally this is done by first running bup index (this operation is local-only) and then running bup save (which saves the backup on the bup remote server).

bup -d ~/buptest.index.bup index . && bup save -r BupServer:/bup/buptest.bup -9 --strip-path $(pwd) -n mybackup .

Some parameters demand further explanation:

  • -9: Maximum compression. bup is so fast that it hardly makes a difference but it saves a ton of disk space especially for text-like data.
  • --strip-path $(pwd) If you backup a directory /home/uli/Documents/ with a file /home/uli/Documents/Letters/Myletter.txt this makes bup save the backup of said file under the name Letters/Myletter.txt instead of  /home/uli/Documents/Letters/Myletter.txt.
  • -n mybackup. The name of this backup. This allows you to separate different backups in a single repository.

6. Let’s restore!

You might want to say hopefully I’ll never need to restore. WRONG. You need to restore right now, and you need to restore regularly, as a test that if you actually need to recover data by restoring, it will actually work.

In order to do this, we’ll first need to get access to the folder where. This is typically stored on some kind of Linux server anyway, so just install bup there. In our example above, the directory we’ll work with is called buptest.bup.

There are two conventient ways to view bup backups:

  1. Use bup web and open your browser at http://localhost:8080 to view the backup data (including history):
    bup -d buptest.bup web
  2. Use bup fuse to mount the entire tree including history to a directory such as /tmp/buptest:
    mkdir -p  /tmp/buptest && bup -d buptest.bup fuse /tmp/buptest


Posted by Uli Köhler in bup, Container, Docker

Minimal SSH server on Docker container using dropbear

This example Dockerfile runs a dropbear SSH daemon on Alpine Linux. It creates a system user called myuser and only allows login for that specific user.

FROM alpine:3.17
# The SSH user to create
RUN apk --no-cache add dropbear &&\
    mkdir -p /home/$SSHUSER/.ssh &&\
    adduser -s /bin/sh -D $SSHUSER --home /home/$SSHUSER &&\
    chown -R $SSHUSER:$SSHUSER /home/$SSHUSER

CMD ["/bin/sh", "-c", "/usr/sbin/dropbear -RFEwgsjk -G ${SSHUSER} -p 22"]

Change the username to your liking.

Build like this:

docker build -t sshtest .

Starting the container

You can run it like this – remember to mount /etc/dropbear to a volume or local directory both for persisting host key files and for storing authorized key files:

docker run -v $(pwd)/dropbear:/etc/dropbear -v $(pwd)/dotssh:/home/myuser/.ssh -it sshtest

Dropbear options

The dropbear options -RFEwgsjk are:

  • -R: Create hostkeys as required
  • -F: Don’t fork into background
  • -E: Log to stderr rather than syslog
  • -w: Disallow root logins
  • -g: Disable password logins for root
  • -s: Disable password logins
  • -j: Disable local port forwarding
  • -k: Disable remote port forwarding

Setting up public key authentication

First, generate a key pair using

ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -f id_dropbear -N ""

We assume that you have mounted the user’s home .ssh directory in ./dotssh (as in our example, see Starting the container above). You can then copy the pubkey that is generated by ssh-keygen – which is saved in – to the authorized_keys file in the Dropbear SSH directory:

cat | sudo tee -a ./dotssh/authorized_keys

The sudo (in sudo tee) is only required because the dotssh directory is owned by another user.

Connecting to the container

First, you need to find the container’s IP address using the method outline in How to list just container names & IP address(es) of all Docker conatiners. In our example, this IP address is You can then connect to the container using the public key:

ssh -i id_dropbear [email protected]


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to list just container names & IP address(es) of all Docker conatiners

Also see:


docker ps -q | xargs -n1 docker inspect --format '{{.Name}} {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'

Example output:

$ docker ps -q | xargs -n1 docker inspect --format '{{.Name}} {{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}'

This solution was inspired by GitHub user zeroows on GitHub Gists


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker

How to list just container names of all Docker containers

Also see:


docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"

Example output:

$ docker ps --format "{{.Names}}"


Posted by Uli Köhler in Docker