NodeJS MikroTik PoE status query example

This example builds on our previous posts NodeJS Mikrotik API minimal example and MikroTik RouterOS: How to power-cycle PoE using the terminal.

The following code will print the PoE statuson Port ether5 on the given MikroTik device using the MikroTik API.

import * as MikroNode from 'mikrotik' ;

const host = "";
const username = "admin";
const password = "admin1234"; // Hope that's not your real password ;)

const connection = MikroNode.getConnection(host, username, password, {
    closeOnDone : true

connection.getConnectPromise().then(function(conn) {
    conn.getCommandPromise(['/interface/ethernet/poe/print', '?name=ether5']).then(values => {
    }, reason => {
        console.log('Error while running command: ' + JSON.stringify(reason));
}).catch(reason =>  {
    console.log('Error while connecting: ' + JSON.stringify(reason));

Example output:

    '.id': '*5',
    name: 'ether5',
    'poe-out': 'forced-on',
    'poe-priority': '10',
    'poe-lldp-enabled': 'false',
    'power-cycle-ping-enabled': 'false',
    'power-cycle-interval': 'none',
    '.about': 'poe-out status: power_reset'

If the PoE is currently being power-cycled, this will print:

    '.id': '*5',
    name: 'ether5',
    'poe-out': 'forced-on',
    'poe-priority': '10',
    'poe-lldp-enabled': 'false',
    'power-cycle-ping-enabled': 'false',
    'power-cycle-interval': 'none',
    '.about': 'poe-out status: power_reset'