How to recompress gzipped .gz files to .xz files on Linux

Copy and paste this shell function into your bash or zsh:

function gzToXz { zcat "$1" | xz -c - -ev9 > "${1%.*}.xz" ; }

This will decompress the file using zcat and pipe it into xz with the highest compression setting (-ev9). If you prefer less compression but more speed, use e.g. -5 instead of -ev9.

Use like this:

gzToXz my.gz

which will recompress my.gz to my.xz.

In case you want to recompress every .gz file in the current directory, use:

for i in *.gz ; do echo "$i" ; gzToXz "$i" ; done

It might be best to make a backup of the data even though I have used this script many times for my own data.

Posted by Uli Köhler in Linux, Shell

How to list available projections in pyproj

To get a list of all available projections for pyproj, use this code:

import pyproj

For pyproj-2.2.0 on my Ubuntu 18.04 computer, this is the resulting list:

    'aea': 'Albers Equal Area',
    'aeqd': 'Azimuthal Equidistant',
    'affine': 'Affine transformation',
    'airy': 'Airy',
    'aitoff': 'Aitoff',
    'alsk': 'Mod. Stereographic of Alaska',
    'apian': 'Apian Globular I',
    'august': 'August Epicycloidal',
    'axisswap': 'Axis ordering',
    'bacon': 'Bacon Globular',
    'bertin1953': 'Bertin 1953',
    'bipc': 'Bipolar conic of western hemisphere',
    'boggs': 'Boggs Eumorphic',
    'bonne': 'Bonne (Werner lat_1=90)',
    'calcofi': 'Cal Coop Ocean Fish Invest Lines/Stations',
    'cart': 'Geodetic/cartesian conversions',
    'cass': 'Cassini',
    'cc': 'Central Cylindrical',
    'ccon': 'Central Conic',
    'cea': 'Equal Area Cylindrical',
    'chamb': 'Chamberlin Trimetric',
    'collg': 'Collignon',
    'comill': 'Compact Miller',
    'crast': 'Craster Parabolic (Putnins P4)',
    'deformation': 'Kinematic grid shift',
    'denoy': 'Denoyer Semi-Elliptical',
    'eck1': 'Eckert I',
    'eck2': 'Eckert II',
    'eck3': 'Eckert III',
    'eck4': 'Eckert IV',
    'eck5': 'Eckert V',
    'eck6': 'Eckert VI',
    'eqearth': 'Equal Earth',
    'eqc': 'Equidistant Cylindrical (Plate Carree)',
    'eqdc': 'Equidistant Conic',
    'euler': 'Euler',
    'etmerc': 'Extended Transverse Mercator',
    'fahey': 'Fahey',
    'fouc': 'Foucaut',
    'fouc_s': 'Foucaut Sinusoidal',
    'gall': 'Gall (Gall Stereographic)',
    'geoc': 'Geocentric Latitude',
    'geocent': 'Geocentric',
    'geogoffset': 'Geographic Offset',
    'geos': 'Geostationary Satellite View',
    'gins8': 'Ginsburg VIII (TsNIIGAiK)',
    'gn_sinu': 'General Sinusoidal Series',
    'gnom': 'Gnomonic',
    'goode': 'Goode Homolosine',
    'gs48': 'Mod. Stereographic of 48 U.S.',
    'gs50': 'Mod. Stereographic of 50 U.S.',
    'hammer': 'Hammer & Eckert-Greifendorff',
    'hatano': 'Hatano Asymmetrical Equal Area',
    'healpix': 'HEAPJ_LPix',
    'rhealpix': 'rHEAPJ_LPix',
    'helmert': '3(6)-, 4(8)- and 7(14)-parameter Helmert shift',
    'hgridshift': 'Horizontal grid shift',
    'horner': 'Horner polynomial evaluation',
    'igh': 'Interrupted Goode Homolosine',
    'imw_p': 'International Map of the World Polyconic',
    'isea': 'Icosahedral Snyder Equal Area',
    'kav5': 'Kavraisky V',
    'kav7': 'Kavraisky VII',
    'krovak': 'Krovak',
    'labrd': 'Laborde',
    'laea': 'Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area',
    'lagrng': 'Lagrange',
    'larr': 'Larrivee',
    'lask': 'Laskowski',
    'lonlat': 'Lat/long (Geodetic)',
    'latlon': 'Lat/long (Geodetic alias)',
    'latlong': 'Lat/long (Geodetic alias)',
    'longlat': 'Lat/long (Geodetic alias)',
    'lcc': 'Lambert Conformal Conic',
    'lcca': 'Lambert Conformal Conic Alternative',
    'leac': 'Lambert Equal Area Conic',
    'lee_os': 'Lee Oblated Stereographic',
    'loxim': 'Loximuthal',
    'lsat': 'Space oblique for LANDSAT',
    'mbt_s': 'McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sine (No. 1)',
    'mbt_fps': 'McBryde-Thomas Flat-Pole Sine (No. 2)',
    'mbtfpp': 'McBride-Thomas Flat-Polar Parabolic',
    'mbtfpq': 'McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Quartic',
    'mbtfps': 'McBryde-Thomas Flat-Polar Sinusoidal',
    'merc': 'Mercator',
    'mil_os': 'Miller Oblated Stereographic',
    'mill': 'Miller Cylindrical',
    'misrsom': 'Space oblique for MISR',
    'moll': 'Mollweide',
    'molobadekas': 'Molodensky-Badekas transformation',
    'molodensky': 'Molodensky transform',
    'murd1': 'Murdoch I',
    'murd2': 'Murdoch II',
    'murd3': 'Murdoch III',
    'natearth': 'Natural Earth',
    'natearth2': 'Natural Earth 2',
    'nell': 'Nell',
    'nell_h': 'Nell-Hammer',
    'nicol': 'Nicolosi Globular',
    'nsper': 'Near-sided perspective',
    'nzmg': 'New Zealand Map Grid',
    'noop': 'No operation',
    'ob_tran': 'General Oblique Transformation',
    'ocea': 'Oblique Cylindrical Equal Area',
    'oea': 'Oblated Equal Area',
    'omerc': 'Oblique Mercator',
    'ortel': 'Ortelius Oval',
    'ortho': 'Orthographic',
    'pconic': 'Perspective Conic',
    'patterson': 'Patterson Cylindrical',
    'pipeline': 'Transformation pipeline manager',
    'poly': 'Polyconic (American)',
    'pop': 'Retrieve coordinate value from pipeline stack',
    'push': 'Save coordinate value on pipeline stack',
    'putp1': 'Putnins P1',
    'putp2': 'Putnins P2',
    'putp3': 'Putnins P3',
    'putp3p': "Putnins P3'",
    'putp4p': "Putnins P4'",
    'putp5': 'Putnins P5',
    'putp5p': "Putnins P5'",
    'putp6': 'Putnins P6',
    'putp6p': "Putnins P6'",
    'qua_aut': 'Quartic Authalic',
    'qsc': 'Quadrilateralized Spherical Cube',
    'robin': 'Robinson',
    'rouss': 'Roussilhe Stereographic',
    'rpoly': 'Rectangular Polyconic',
    'sch': 'Spherical Cross-track Height',
    'sinu': 'Sinusoidal (Sanson-Flamsteed)',
    'somerc': 'Swiss. Obl. Mercator',
    'stere': 'Stereographic',
    'sterea': 'Oblique Stereographic Alternative',
    'gstmerc': 'Gauss-Schreiber Transverse Mercator (aka Gauss-Laborde Reunion)',
    'tcc': 'Transverse Central Cylindrical',
    'tcea': 'Transverse Cylindrical Equal Area',
    'times': 'Times',
    'tissot': 'Tissot',
    'tmerc': 'Transverse Mercator',
    'tobmerc': 'Tobler-Mercator',
    'tpeqd': 'Two Point Equidistant',
    'tpers': 'Tilted perspective',
    'unitconvert': 'Unit conversion',
    'ups': 'Universal Polar Stereographic',
    'urm5': 'Urmaev V',
    'urmfps': 'Urmaev Flat-Polar Sinusoidal',
    'utm': 'Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)',
    'vandg': 'van der Grinten (I)',
    'vandg2': 'van der Grinten II',
    'vandg3': 'van der Grinten III',
    'vandg4': 'van der Grinten IV',
    'vitk1': 'Vitkovsky I',
    'vgridshift': 'Vertical grid shift',
    'wag1': 'Wagner I (Kavraisky VI)',
    'wag2': 'Wagner II',
    'wag3': 'Wagner III',
    'wag4': 'Wagner IV',
    'wag5': 'Wagner V',
    'wag6': 'Wagner VI',
    'wag7': 'Wagner VII',
    'webmerc': 'Web Mercator / Pseudo Mercator',
    'weren': 'Werenskiold I',
    'wink1': 'Winkel I',
    'wink2': 'Winkel II',
    'wintri': 'Winkel Tripel'


Posted by Uli Köhler in Python

Python threading.Thread minimal example

This example shows how to subclass and start a threading.Thread:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import threading

class MyThread(threading.Thread):
    def run(self):
        print("My thread!")

my_thread = MyThread()
print("Main thread")

This will print

My thread!
Main thread

(it might also print Main thread first, depending on what gets executed first)

Posted by Uli Köhler in Python

How to get directory of current Python script

import os 
script_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

This will always get the directory of the .py file running that code, so if you have .py files in a subdirectory/module this might return that subdirectory.

Original (partial) source for the solution: StackOverflow

Posted by Uli Köhler in Python

How to fix undeclared O_RDONLY/O_RDWR/O_WRONLY in C


You are trying to compile C sourcecode that uses open(), but you see a compiler error message like this:

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:3:14: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘open’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_RDONLY);
main.c:3:29: error: ‘O_RDONLY’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_RDONLY);
main.c:3:29: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in


main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:3:14: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘open’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_RDWR);
main.c:3:29: error: ‘O_RDWR’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_RDWR);
main.c:3:29: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in


main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:3:14: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘open’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_WRONLY);
main.c:3:29: error: ‘O_WRONLY’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     int fd = open("my.txt", O_WRONLY);
main.c:3:29: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in



#include <fcntl.h>

to the top of the source file where the error occured.

The POSIX header fcntl.h includes the definitions for O_RDONLY, O_RDWR and O_WRONLY amongst other POSIX-related definitions.

Also, this will include the definition for open() itself, which is missing as well – this is indicated by this line in the error message:

main.c:3:14: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘open’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]

See the OpenGroup reference on fcntl.h for more details on what else is defined in fcntl.h and what the meaning of all the individual flags is.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

Minimal pthread mutex example

#include <pthread.h>
int main() {
    // Create mutex
    pthread_mutex_t mutex;
    pthread_mutex_init(&mutex, NULL /* default mutex attributes */);
    // Lock
    // Unlock
    // Cleanup

Compile like this:

gcc -o main main.c -pthread
Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++

What is the CMake equivalent to AC_CHECK_FUNCS()?

With automake/m4 in you use syntax like


which defines HAVE_FDATASYNC if the function is available.

In CMake, you can use check_symbol_exists() for the same purpose like this:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# Define executable
add_executable(myexe main.c)

# atan2 requires the math library to be linked
check_symbol_exists(atan2 math.h HAVE_ATAN2)

# Add compile definitions if we have the library
    target_compile_definitions(myexe PRIVATE -DHAVE_ATAN2)

Note that check_symbol_exists() does not automatically add a preprocessor define but you have to do that manually (see the last block in the code shown above). While this might seem less comfortable at first, this approach provides you with much more flexibility on how to handle missing or available functions.

See the CMake check_symbol_exists() documentation for more details.

Posted by Uli Köhler in CMake

CMake check_symbol_exists() minimal example

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.0)

# Define executable
add_executable(myexe main.c)

# atan2 requires the math library to be linked
check_symbol_exists(atan2 math.h HAVE_ATAN2)

# Add compile definitions if we have the library
    target_compile_definitions(myexe PRIVATE -DHAVE_ATAN2)
Posted by Uli Köhler in CMake

How to fix ‘Unknown CMake command “check_symbol_exists”‘

If you have CMake code using check_symbol_exists(...) like

check_symbol_exists(atan2 math.h HAVE_ATAN2)

but you get an error message like

CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:8 (check_symbol_exists):
  Unknown CMake command "check_symbol_exists".

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

you need to add


near the top of your CMakeLists.txt (before your first call to check_symbol_exists()).

Posted by Uli Köhler in CMake

Minimal CMake if/else/endif example

if/else/endif looks like this in CMake:



Posted by Uli Köhler in CMake

How to fix C warning ‘implicit declaration of function _exit’


You have C code like


but when you try to compile it you see a warning message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:3:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘_exit’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
main.c:3:5: warning: incompatible implicit declaration of built-in function ‘_exit’



#include <unistd.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured.

Note that in case you use _Exit(...) (capital E) instead of _exit(...), you need to add

#include <stdlib.h>


Read the manpage for _exit in case you need further information on _exit(...).

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘RTLD_NEXT undeclared’


You have C code like

dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, 'myfunc');

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c:3:11: error: ‘RTLD_NEXT’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, 'myfunc');



#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <dlfcn.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured.

In order for RTLD_NEXT to be declared, #define _GNU_SOURCE must occur before the first #include statement!

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C warning ‘implicit declaration of function dlsym’


You have C code like

dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, 'myfunc');

but when you try to compile it you see a warning message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:3:5: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘dlsym’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
     dlsym(RTLD_NEXT, 'myfunc');



#include <dlfcn.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include both dlopen, dlsym and related definitions like RTLD_NEXT.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘unknown type name intptr_t’


You have C code like

int v = 123;
intptr_t vptr = (intptr_t)&v;

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:5:1: error: unknown type name ‘intptr_t’; did you mean ‘__int128_t’?
 intptr_t vptr = (intptr_t)&v;
main.c:5:18: error: ‘intptr_t’ undeclared (first use in this function)
 intptr_t vptr = (intptr_t)&v;
main.c:5:18: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in



#include <stdint.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix va_list/va_arg related C error ‘expected expression before int’


You have C code like

va_list ap;
int mode = va_arg(ap, int);

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c:5:23: error: expected expression before ‘int’
  int mode= va_arg(ap, int);


This error occurs because va_arg is undeclared. Add

#include <stdarg.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include the definitions for va_list and the va_arg function.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘unknown type name va_list’


You have C code like

va_list ap;
int mode = va_arg(ap, int);

but when you try to compile it you see a warning message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:4:2: error: unknown type name ‘va_list’
  va_list ap;



#include <stdarg.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include the definitions for va_list and the va_arg function.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C warning ‘implicit declaration of function va_arg’


You have C code like

va_list ap;
int mode = va_arg(ap, int);

but when you try to compile it you see a warning message like

main.c:5:12: warning: implicit declaration of function ‘va_arg’ [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
  int mode= va_arg(ap, int);



#include <stdarg.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include the definitions for both va_list and va_arg.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘mode_t undeclared’


You have C code like

mode_t mode;

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:4:2: error: unknown type name ‘mode_t’
  mode_t mode;



#include <sys/stat.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. In case you want further information about what mode_t represents, I recommend reading this blogpost.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘EFAULT undeclared’


You have C code like

errno = EFAULT;

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c:4:5: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
main.c:4:13: error: ‘EFAULT’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     errno = EFAULT;



#include <errno.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include both error codes like EFAULT and the global errno variable itself.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors

How to fix C error ‘errno undeclared’


You have C code like

errno = EFAULT;

but when you try to compile it you see an error message like

main.c: In function ‘main’:
main.c:4:5: error: ‘errno’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     errno = EFAULT;
main.c:4:5: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
main.c:4:13: error: ‘EFAULT’ undeclared (first use in this function)
     errno = EFAULT;



#include <errno.h>

at the top of the source file where the error occured. This will include both the errno variable and specific error codes like EFAULT.

Posted by Uli Köhler in C/C++, GCC errors
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